Wasted potential. The unique factor here is that the movie uses India as a setting, and attempts injecting some local mythology into a standard 'came back wrong' haunting story. This film squanders an interesting setting and location upon predictable jump scares, cliched storytelling and outdated stereotypes. The protagonist is one of those characters whose every action is worthy of being squirt in the face with a training bottle. No! To be fair, the plot requires the protagonist to take the idiot ball as far as she can run. Ignore every rule, warning, omen, threat, and random bits of sound advice issued by every possible vector in the film's first half. Everything else is a retread of 'monkey's paw' with the latest in overused modern horror conventions in some admittedly cool locations. This movie loves abyssal-eyed undead youngsters and jump scares, with every possible variant fake out and combination of above within the film's running time. I can say I like the setting and the last minute of the film, everything else is wasted potential.