La Piel Fría

Somewhere within this script is an interesting thematic exploration of xenophobia and the 'us vs. them' mentality of warfare featuring hints of PTSD, war-weariness, the loss of faith in humanity and nuanced philosophical call-outs. The set and setting looks great, with a stylishly bleak and foreboding atmosphere and some pretty decent makeup/creature effects. The acting is decent and the actors are supremely committed. Unfortunately, this potential gets lost in a live-action tower-defense game with a Lovecraftian #metoo side-story. The script creaks under the ambition of attempting to translate a decent novel and really doesn't seem to know where it wants to go with the material. Except one place it really wants to go, which: to be fair, frogs gotta love too. #sexydeepones. Before too long, everything degenerates into predictability and chaos with a nonsensical ending. I'm not saying this movie is atrocious, but it certainly is not good, unless you have an aquatic furry fixation, which... would that be scalies?