Child's Play (2019)


It is unfortunate the creators chose a remake/reboot to the Child’s Play movies rather than commit their concept to an original film. Held against the original, this is a slightly inferior remake but certainly better than sequels long since degenerated into self-parody. This movie tries to have it all: fan-service in pandering to the look/feel of the original Chucky (down to hilariously bad animatronics), atop a Black Mirror core about technophobic terrors. The filmmakers basically traded one set of hilariously dated archetypes for the modern flavor but the result is surprisingly entertaining. Mark Hamill’s take on Chucky is far more sympathetic even if lacking a lot of the fun from the original. Aubrey Plaza is the best at playing Aubrey Plaza and doesn’t disappoint contributing her unique brand of emotiveness. The connection between mother and son is effectively realized, with the child actor being genuinely good. There is a lot to appreciate in this reboot and definitely a creative glee taken with kills and executions. The ending goes wild and manically fun while unsubtly clamoring for sequels that would likely be a studio mistake. Hilariously, Child’s Play 2019 feels more akin to a reboot of Small Soldiers (1998), with a playfully bleak corporate satire behind horrific events. Overall, a fun if unexceptional film demonstrating remakes can actually have merit..
