The pitch for this movie is Training Day with exorcists. Predictably paint-by-numbers and trope-tastic, the movie reeks of squandered production values and wasted potential. There is an initial moment where the movie might have delved into interesting notions and deeper subjects, but it is quickly abandoned. There is at least one amusing moment, but each and every scare is tepid at best, often more unintentionally hilarious, which might serve towards some kind of camp drinking game. The acting is all over the place, the veteran performers have a bemused air about them, a slight self-awareness of how goofy the movie presents. The main actor is earnest, but far from good and unlikely to star in many more major studio films. Hilariously the endgame for this movie hints at the potential for some kind of franchise potential, but any self-respecting producer would burn any subsequent script and condemn this film to the perdition of forgettability.